Uniting around the health, education, and financial mobility of every person in Caledonia, Essex, Orange, Orleans, and Washington counties
We build a stronger community by mobilizing our staff and partners to improve peoples’ lives.
It is our belief that, through the work of Green Mountain United Way, we can increase the organized capacity for people to care for one another. We seek to improve the overall quality of life in the communities we serve. As a leader in the community, we work to bring together organizations and people to rejoice in the great strides our communities have made and to seek new ways to solve community problems.
Getting, Keeping, and Growing Stable Employment
Working Bridges is a partnership between United Way and employers focused on giving employees the resources they need to gain, keep, and grow stable employment.
Making the Transition Easier
Every day, Vermont children enter foster care, often in an emergent situation. These children are told to grab their things and go. Many times, there isn’t much to grab and a few random personal possessions are stuffed into a garbage bag and sent with them.
Tatum’s Totes was created to help make this transition easier. We help to provide not only the basics like a sturdy backpack, books, socks, hygiene items (like soap, a toothbrush, paste and floss), and blanket, but something that a child can cherish, like a stuffed animal, toy, or game.
Knowledge, Equity, Empowerment, Partnership
Financial coaching is an emerging practice that helps clients learn to set and achieve their financial goals through learned behavior changes built on the trusted relationship between coach and client.
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Need help now?
Vermont 2-1-1 is a free, confidential information and referral program of the United Ways of Vermont, helping to connect Vermonters with a wide range of community, health, and human resources and services.
To access services, call 2-1-1, text your zip code to 898211, or visit the website at vermont211.org.
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Join us and together we will build a solid foundation for our neighbors.