Lawson’s Raises $6,700 for GMUW

Green Mountain United Way recently learned that Lawson’s Finest raised $6,700 through their “SIP” Social Impact Program, the Sunshine Fund, in May to benefit the United Way’s Working Bridges program which helps local employees on site at their employer with financial challenges and access to human services. 

“Every day we help local employees at workplaces such as Central Vermont Medical Center or Weidmann Electrical Technologies, find solutions to challenges that come up whether from increasing gas and food prices or just day to day issues that everyone faces now and again.”

Lawson’s Finest launched their Sunshine Fund in 2018, when they opened their Waitsfield brewery, taproom and retail store. The Sunshine Fund harnesses the generosity of their taproom guests with the goal of helping local communities thrive. Lawson’s Finest provides their staff with living wages and generous benefits. There is no tip obligation in the taproom, however, if guests choose to leave a donation, 100% will be given to local charitable endeavors. 

“The Sunshine Fund allows us to support organizations that provide essential services to Washington County residents to ensure healthy, thriving, and sustainable communities.” said Karen Lawson, co-owner of Lawson’s Finest.

Programs under Green Mountain United Way like Working Bridges most recently helped working Vermonters like Kelly, who was struggling to continue paying for heat into the spring and get new tires for her car so she could safely get to work. This program is just one of several at Green Mountain United Way that rely on collective partnerships and investments from partners in our community, local businesses, and individuals in order to continue to support our local working Vermont families. For more information on Working Bridges, please visit or email


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