Food Access Funding Awarded
Green Mountain United Way was awarded $19,500 to expand our food access programming within Working Bridges for Vermont’s essential workforce, primarily serving Washington county and the Northeast Kingdom.
M-Factor: Shredding the Silence on Menopause
On a snowy night in February, more than 50 women joined us for a viewing of “M-Factor: Shredding the Silence on Menopause” and a discussion with CMVC ob-gyn Dr. Colleen Horan. Stay tuned for more on this topic!
We’re Turning 50!
Green Mountain United Way was formed by a formidable woman, Lilly R. Keve, and went on to be almost entirely women-led for its entire history. This year, we’re celebrating 50 years of partnerships and accomplishments!
K.E.E.P. Spring Session is Open for Registration
Knowledge, Equity, Empowerment, and Partnership. These four elements lead to financial stability, financial success, and financial freedom.
Columbia Forest Products Staff Donate 200 Hours of Community Service
Columbia Forest Products staff donated 200 hours of community service during a staff volunteer day, organized with support from Green Mountain United Way.
538 Vermont Children Unhoused as They Go Back to School
As students across our state go back to school this week, Vermont children and babies are returning to homelessness as they exit the motels where they currently live.
Vermont Women’s Fund Supports Benefits Cliff Work
GMUW receives $10,000 to support the development of interactive training tools on benefits cliff.
New Sunscreen Dispenser at Green Mountain Community Fitness
Green Mountain United Way was the recipient of one of 16 new sunscreen dispensers placed at public sites around the state, in addition to 12 being placed at state parks. The dispenser is in the lobby at Green Mountain Community Fitness. Check it out!
Newport Workers to Receive Employee Support Services from Working Bridges Program
Thanks to a new partnership between Columbia Forest Products and Green Mountain United Way, more than 150 employees at the high-end forest products manufacturer will have support from the Working Bridges program.
MyFreeTaxes 2024
MyFreeTaxes is an online tax filing program that helps people file their federal and state taxes for free while getting the assistance they need.
ATHENA Leadership Award Goes to Tawnya Kristen!
Watching Tawnya Kristen, executive director of Green Mountain United Way, be awarded the 2023 ATHENA Leadership Award moved all of us to tears and cheers.
Tawnya Kristen Named Workplace Wellness Contributor of the Year
Green Mountain United Way Executive Director Tawnya Kristen was recognized in October for her contributions to workplace wellness.
2023 Vermont Flood Disaster Relief
Central and Northeastern Vermont are experiencing catastrophic flooding and damage due to heavy rainfall. The needs of communities as they recover are specific and rapidly changing - here’s how to [really] help.
Green Mountain United Way to Distribute 350 Park Access Coupons from Vermont Parks Forever
Green Mountain United Way is excited to announce that we have again received 350 Park Access coupons from Vermont Parks Forever. These hugely popular coupons are made available on a first come, first served basis to Working Bridges™ participants.
Vermont Mutual Employees to Receive Support Services from Working Bridges
Green Mountain United Way has launched a new Working Bridges™ site at the Montpelier offices of Vermont Mutual.
Darn Tough Vermont Workers to Receive Employee Support Services from Working Bridges Program
More than 400 employees at the sock manufacturer will have on-site support from Green Mountain United Way’s Working Bridges program.
VtShares Nonprofit Application Opens March 27
Nonprofits are invited to apply to be included in the directory of nonprofits from which State of Vermont employees can make selections for their payroll deduction designations. Nonprofit applications are due April 28, 2023.
Indy Checking Comes to Foster Teens Thanks to Blaire!
Green Mountain United Way has partnered with North Country Federal Credit Union and Washington County’s Youth Services Bureau to open checking and savings accounts for youth.