Food Access Funding Awarded

Green Mountain United Way  was awarded $19,950 by the Bi-State Primary Care Association and the Food Access in Healthcare program. The award is to expand our food access programming for Vermont’s essential workforce, primarily serving Washington county and the Northeast Kingdom.

Through CSA shares, free prepared meals, and grocery cards, the program offers affordable, high-quality, locally produced food and food support that is delivered directly to workplaces, eliminating barriers like cost, time, and transportation. By offering significant food subsidies, participants are able to make healthier food choices without sacrificing financial stability.

This initiative is part of the Working Bridges program, which partners with local employers to support their workforce with financial counseling, resource connections, and food assistance. The impact goes beyond individuals’ benefit to a healthier, more secure workforce, and Vermont’s local food system gains stronger support as well.

Read about all of the awardees on the FAHC website!


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